Saturday, January 6, 2007

Love and Relationships

By Chad Stroh

Many would agree that love is the main ingrediant in a happy relationship. Love and relationships are two of the most complicated things in the world. I don't think human beings can function in their everyday life with having the emotional comforts of love. Love first begins by meeting someone whose qualities you enjoy. Many people like to call this "falling in love".

Many people believe in love at first sight, but I don't know if can truly love someone until you know all the bad things about them. If you do this, then you begin to feel true love. You love them who they really are. If you can still love them after sixty years, than you have found true love. It is possible. There are many couples that have lasted that long. Many researchers have found out that people who are in a loving relationship live longer than those who are single. In today's culture many couples fail to be committed, respectful and to communicate.

Committment takes practice. The relationships that last the longest are the ones where each person is committed. Committment may mean talking n the phone everyday when one person is traveling. It may mean saying "I love you," a few times a day. A relationship is not only a lifestyle choice. It is a choice of self-control, growth and learning.

Communication is also very important. How can you love someone without knowing anything about them. Love is essential to a healthy and happy life. Learning to love is learning to live.

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