Saturday, January 6, 2007

Geography & Globalization

By Chad Stroh

Geography is far more than just physical features. Geography has to do with things like settlement, culture, politics, economy and social groups. Just as important as geography is globalization. Globablization is a very controverisal thing. Many people feel that Globalization will make the world better and other people feel it will make the world worse off. The most likely case, is it will cause both. The collision of culture and business is already starting to show in our world. You can see McDonalds in practically every county in the world. English is becoming the main language in many countries other than America. You might call Americanization, but you can see the impact that other countries are having on America. Usually you can see it in the food industry, but you see it more and more in the technology industry. Foreign imports are becoming a major factor in America's economy. Outside of business, many people are feeling the effects of Globalizaton on a personal level. Many ethnic groups are trying to find their identity in a globalizing world. Many people think that global terrorism is a major side effect of globablization.

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